by ducky75 | Oct 13, 2012 | Objects, Special Occasions, Uncategorized
Since it’s the weekend, I had a chance to finish up the cauldron drawing. I was busy viewing apartments yesterday so I wasn’t able to update the blog :s. I’ve also been washing me hands like crazy for the past day and a half since the stomach flu is...
by ducky75 | Sep 29, 2012 | Nature and animals, Objects, Uncategorized
Wow, this is the first time i’ve posted this early in a long time! Yay! Thank god for the weekend! I’m starting to work on my resources page again. I’ve all of a sudden been inspired to work on some outside tutorials again for a change :3. I had a...
by ducky75 | Sep 23, 2012 | Backgrounds and sceneries, Nature and animals, Uncategorized
Yesterday was a somewhat relaxing day for me. That’s the least I can say for today though. I’ve pretty much been scrambling all day, writing some new art tutorials, working on comic strips, finishing up commissions and just generally trying to get...
by ducky75 | Apr 4, 2012 | Food, Uncategorized
For today’s daily drawing, I decided to modify a tomato drawing I made a couple of nights ago. This tomato was originally used for a how to hub I posted up yesterday. I haven’t made a drawing hub in a couple of months so I thought i’d go back to...
by ducky75 | Feb 27, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Last night while I was making this drawing, I had to have gone through over a dozen different references before I came up with this. I was originally going to draw in the entire bow and arrow in this drawing but I got tired xD heheh! This took a little over 2 hours to...