Day #223 Favorite Bath Time Toy

I’m gonna be completely honest with you guys. I actually never owned a rubber ducky while growing up as a child. I never really took an interest in such little toys actually. Now that I am older, I think the things are quite cute now :3. I wouldn’t mind...

Day #222 Food of the day (carrots)

My sister and I were in the mood for some type of junk food today. We have a donut store a couple of blocks away from our place and we wanted to get our junk food fix for the day. Feeling guilty, instead I ended up filling up on carrots! Carrots of all things! I know...

Day #221 In the Lobby

So we went to go take a look at the apartments again today and turned in our applications for one of them. We’re currently filling out our other application for the second apartment. We’re hoping to get at least one of these places, I’m looking...

Day #219 Recovery

Time is a tickin’! We still haven’t found an apartment yet, argh! We’re really trying to cut to the chase on this move and hurry up and find something already. We’ll be looking at a few other places this week, hopefully, one of them will be...
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