Day #230 In A Blind Fold (Clementine)

Wow!! I am alive everyone! I haven’t updated my blog since like 2 weeks ago due to the fact that I was in the middle of moving in to my new apartment. It was a difficult yet exciting experience, moving away from home for the first time :3. There are boxes all...

Day #219 Recovery

Time is a tickin’! We still haven’t found an apartment yet, argh! We’re really trying to cut to the chase on this move and hurry up and find something already. We’ll be looking at a few other places this week, hopefully, one of them will be...

Day #217 Sketches in progress

I have made several drawings that are currently in progress as of now. All of these are just sketches that I intend to color in the future. I just haven’t had much time to do so. :s Anyway, I think this is a pretty good thing for me to do I guess. It gives me a...

Day #216 More flower drawings

So I’ve been drawing some more flowers lately. As you saw in my previous post, I made a drawing of a sunflower. I also decided to draw a tulip and will most likely think of some other types of flowers to draw and eventually turn in to tutorials. :3 I still would...
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