Day #238 Withered Tree Drawing

Lately I have been making various drawings related to nature and general images of life. I haven’t gotten around to posting them up to the blog yet but in due time, I will be posting them here some time. Today’s post won’t be very long, it will be...

Day #235 Sea Maid

Yet another illustration that takes place on the beach! I just have a thing for warm weather and climate! Seeing that it’s the winter time, it’s starting to get cold over here now. I’ve had to wrap myself in heating blankets and pretend i’m in...

Day #232 Wooden Table

Last night was a little rough and I didn’t get a chance to make anything too detailed today. I’ll probably talk about the incident that happened last night in another post. It’s too fresh on my mind to share on this blog :s. That and it just makes me...
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