by ducky75 | Jun 2, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
I’m really happy that I got to finish the scepter drawing finally! I added some flames as a finishing touch. I wanted to make the scepter look somewhat like armor. Now that I’m on my summer break, I still hope that I’ll have the quality time that I...
by ducky75 | May 3, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Today’s post is the continuation of yesterday’s post. I managed to finish up the Onna Bugeisha drawing I made the previous day some how. I had the most fun painting in the hair. I really enjoy coloring darker shades of hair for some reason, especially...
by ducky75 | May 2, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Yay! I finally have an almost full bodied drawing today! Believe it or not, this was a last minute piece that I drew just an hour ago. I was thinking back to the times I played FF 11 and I can honestly say that this was the only time I really saw any female Samurai...
by ducky75 | Apr 16, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Woooohooo! I feel like i’m on a role first day of the week! I’m feeling a whole lot better not that I’ve gotten my creativity bug back again :3. I feel like I have a good start this week and I hope that it will be better than the last! So today, I...
by ducky75 | Apr 15, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
So as you guys know, I was a bit depressed yesterday! To be honest with you, I am still a bit gloomy today, just not as much as yesterday xD! The good news is I have some real drawing progress this time! For today’s daily blog drawing, I am working on something...