Day #235 Sea Maid

Yet another illustration that takes place on the beach! I just have a thing for warm weather and climate! Seeing that it’s the winter time, it’s starting to get cold over here now. I’ve had to wrap myself in heating blankets and pretend i’m in...

Day #228 The Red Comb

I have been MIA for about a week, with good reason of course. On a brighter note, we finally got an apartment! It’s perfect! It’s completely wheelchair accessible and it’s in a really nice location :3. I’ve got the willies sort of though. This...

Day #226 Ballet Tutu Drawing

I made a very fun tutorial on ballerina tutu drawing that I posted up on hubpages today and it was probably one of the more enjoyable tutorials I have made in a while :3. It may be only a simple tutu but it’s fun and frilly and best of all, it’s...

Day #220 A pair of glasses

Tomorrow is another big day! My boyfriend and I may have potentially found a place to stay at finally! He went up to visit the place, took photos, got applications and all of that good stuff. It’s a 1 bedroom duplex with all utilities included in a very nice...
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