by ducky75 | Feb 2, 2012 | Nature and animals, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
To start out the post, I’d like to announce that I will be starting school next week. Therefore, my life is going to be even crazier than it already is now xD xD! I’m excited but I’m also a little bit nervous too. I think I’m gonna have to...
by ducky75 | Feb 1, 2012 | Nature and animals, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
First day of February! This blog has been around for almost 2 weeks now which is really great! I feel like this blog has gotten a great start so far in my opinion. I’m looking forward to posting some Valentine’s day themed artwork. I don’t really...
by ducky75 | Jan 31, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Once again, just want to point out that has been getting a lot more traffic these days, which is a very promising sign for the future of this blog! Another thing I have also noticed though is although I have been getting a lot more visitors everyday and...
by ducky75 | Jan 30, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
I’m really exhausted today. I’m running behind on my schedule because I slept in later than usual. My alarm was set and it did go off, but I turned it off, with the full intention of waking up at that moment. But of course, instead of just getting, I just...
by ducky75 | Jan 29, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Just so you know, I added a new page yesterday in the Tutorial section. I will be adding much more content in that section as well as others in the near future. For now, I’m just trying to focus on adding more main page content. I really hope that you guys like...