Day #76 Sunshine Elf

I hope you guys liked yesterday’s blog post! Today, I actually took some time out today to make something new for a change. I haven’t drawn any people in a while so I thought to draw one early this morning. It’s not a very large picture but I am kind...

Day #73 A Drawing of My Workspace

I randomly made this drawing of a part of my work space. Believe me, this is the less messy part of my desk. It’s not that I ran out of things to draw (in fact, during Spring break a made quite a few sketches in my free time.) I just felt like giving you guys a...

Day #72 The Sleeping Cat

Hi guys, I hope you like today’s daily drawing. My cats really like to sleep! It’s probably their most favorite past time aside from eating and chasing one another. I made this painting of my oldest cat sleeping in her kitty bed. She was laying still long...

Day # 64 Think Pink: Drawings of Yummies!

Like I mentioned in yesterday’s art blog post, today’s drawing has more to do with sweets and desserts. I am allergic to half of the stuff in this drawing by the way xD. I’m not sure if I’ve brought this up before or not, but I have some food...
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