Day #44 Drawing a Dagger Tutorial

Well, I couldn’t come up with an inspirational art drawing today. Since I do draw everyday anyway, I thought I’d plug in my new art  tutorial to the blog instead on how to draw a dagger in Photoshop. It’s not really anything special but I’m...

Day #44 Moon Light Fairy (Color)

So as I promised, I finished the moon light fairy today finally! Painting the colors in Photoshop took all night, since I spent most of my day with homework yesterday x.x. I’m surprised I was able to find the time to get this finished since I had a million...

Day #42 Moon Light Fairy

Thanks for the kind comments you guys have given me on my two previous drawings! It really means a lot to men when you comment on my blog posts ^~^. Creating a new drawing everyday and making up tutorials from scratch is not a simple task. But it is something I enjoy...

Day #39 The Songstress Progress

Before I discuss what’s going on with today’s drawing, I just thought i’d tell you all about the list of art tutorials I’m slowly compiling on to the site. The links on the resources page will be removed eventually so enjoy them while they are...

Day #37 How to draw a human face

This drawing was originally made for a drawing tutorial that I made yesterday. The blue hair was a little bit rushed. The original drawing, the character is bald as you can see in the tutorial xD. I am having a very busy weekend. I wanted to be able to relax but that...
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