by ducky75 | May 2, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Yay! I finally have an almost full bodied drawing today! Believe it or not, this was a last minute piece that I drew just an hour ago. I was thinking back to the times I played FF 11 and I can honestly say that this was the only time I really saw any female Samurai...
by ducky75 | Apr 29, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Sorry for skipping posting to the blog yesterday xD! I went on a mini getaway with my boyfriend Friday and I just didn’t feel like doing much at all Saturday. Please forgive me xD! I was on a roll and then I broke it! Aw man xD! Anyway, I have been finding...
by ducky75 | Apr 21, 2012 | Character Designs, Objects, Uncategorized
As you all may know, I reached 90 posts yesterday! In another 9 posts, I 365 Art will be 100 days old! This is exciting xD. It’s been a long time since I’ve stuck to something continually for nearly 100 days. I’m really surprised that I haven’t...
by ducky75 | Apr 19, 2012 | Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
This blog has almost 90 posts! Yay! It’s finally getting up there :3! Today’s drawing has a bit of Geisha inspiration mixed with Anthro humanoid stuff. This was originally supposed to be a troll girl but it somehow turned in to this xD! The girl in the...
by ducky75 | Mar 28, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Here is another quick sketch I made while on the way to the car show last week. Along with the genie lamp drawing, I made this and an entire comic strip as well. I try to get the most of my time when I’m not really doing anything xD. It was a two hour long car...
by ducky75 | Mar 27, 2012 | Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Today’s blog post will be about the old stuff I did prior to creating I 365 Art. I’ve been drawing since I was about 3 or 4 years old. I used to get inspired by old Disney movies like Cinderella and The Little Mermaid. So it’s safe to say that I have...