by ducky75 | Jun 27, 2013 | Backgrounds and sceneries, Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
As you guys might have seen already, this is the colored version of the previous drawing I posted up a couple days ago. I added color as well as some mountains off in the distance in this version, I thought the earlier sketch was a little bland. And of course I...
by ducky75 | Oct 26, 2012 | Character Designs, Punk, Uncategorized
So we went to go take a look at the apartments again today and turned in our applications for one of them. We’re currently filling out our other application for the second apartment. We’re hoping to get at least one of these places, I’m looking...
by ducky75 | Oct 24, 2012 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Time is a tickin’! We still haven’t found an apartment yet, argh! We’re really trying to cut to the chase on this move and hurry up and find something already. We’ll be looking at a few other places this week, hopefully, one of them will be...
by ducky75 | Jun 29, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Since I am going away for the weekend, I thought it would be a good idea to post the progress on my latest web comic page for DeadFingers. I just didn’t have enough time to finish this up yesterday. I will most likely have it ready by Tuesday or Wednesday since...
by ducky75 | Jun 18, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
So I’ve been very busy this whole week, so I will be posting comic art throughout the week. Funny how I’ve been too busy to really work with the blog, but I’ve wanted to update my webcomic for a while. The way I see it on I 365 Art, art is art, no...