by ducky75 | Oct 19, 2012 | Objects, Uncategorized
I recently made many different images for some tutorials I made on Hubpages. Today’s post will pretty much consist of some drawings, both completed and in progress. I made this sunflower yesterday and although it was somewhat rushed, I think it came out quite...
by ducky75 | Oct 6, 2012 | Objects, Uncategorized
So i’ve had a pretty busy weekend so far. I did manage to squeeze in a sketch of my latest drawing however. 🙂 I’m planning on drawing a feast behind the goblet sometime in the future (turkey, fruit etc.) This is kind of like my goblet and...
by ducky75 | Jul 22, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
A little post consisting of some art for my comic. It’s been really hot over here lately and it’s hard to focus on just one thing :S. Anyway, this is what I’ve been working on this weekend. It’s not very detailed right now but this is how the...
by ducky75 | May 15, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
As promised, I said I would post some more art from my comic DeadFingers. Art is art, right? xD? This is actually from a page that hasn’t gone online yet. It’s simply the sketched progress of it :3. I thought i’d...
by ducky75 | Mar 30, 2012 | Nature and animals, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Yes, so even though I am on vacation, doesn’t mean i’m not still drawing everyday! This is a drawing I have been working on and off on for the past few days at my boyfriend’s house. I’m struggling with this a lot because I expect to color the...