Day #229 The Fall of the Hostess Twinky

Hi guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting things daily anymore for now. I’m in the process of moving in to the new apartment, once we get settled, I should be able to go back to my regular schedule again :3. Anyway, I felt that I really needed to share my...

Day #228 The Red Comb

I have been MIA for about a week, with good reason of course. On a brighter note, we finally got an apartment! It’s perfect! It’s completely wheelchair accessible and it’s in a really nice location :3. I’ve got the willies sort of though. This...

Day #226 Ballet Tutu Drawing

I made a very fun tutorial on ballerina tutu drawing that I posted up on hubpages today and it was probably one of the more enjoyable tutorials I have made in a while :3. It may be only a simple tutu but it’s fun and frilly and best of all, it’s...
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