by ducky75 | Feb 8, 2013 | Character Designs, Uncategorized
Today, I am posting up a somewhat strange sketch for the next image I want to work on. I wanted to give it an 19th century style as well, since I don’t usually draw pictures of that nature. It’s only half of a leg, and I intended it to be that way. I guess...
by ducky75 | Feb 6, 2013 | Food, Uncategorized
Okay, so i’m not really sure whether or not this is going to be a good idea, I thought i’d give it a go! I’ve decided that I want to possibly pursue starting a small digital shop here on I 365 Art! The reason being that I’ve been getting a lot...
by ducky75 | Feb 4, 2013 | Character Designs, Nature and animals, Purely Fantasy
So, it’s February! Again! I just realized that my blog is over a year old :3. *Does dance* I absolutely enjoy making Valentine’s Day themed art during February and I hope to be able to get a chance to do that this year as I did last year :3. Anyway, I...
by ducky75 | Jan 27, 2013 | Nature and animals, Objects, Uncategorized
So I lost this new post some how! Very crazy I know! Anyway, I’m putting the latest post back up as well as adding a new one in later today. So on to what happened. My server had a HUGE fart a couple of days ago and knocked me offline for half a day, unbeknownst...
by ducky75 | Dec 18, 2012 | Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Ugh! Still super busy! I haven’t updated in about a week now :s. But I did get a bit happy last night once I discovered that my comic DeadFingers received a pretty kick ass fan art! I haven’t had a fan art in a long while :3! Anyway, a good friend as well...