Day #111 Drawing of a drawing

Today’s drawing is literally about drawing an object over and over again. The hand is drawing the hand drawing the hand and so on xD. I got the idea to make this from a story I read a while ago. Except the boy in the story was playing a game of a boy playing a...

Day #99 Tropical leaves

I decided to draw some tropical leaves in today’s piece. I drew some orange slices in the center. I wanted there to be some kind of fruit in this picture xD. I saw a lot of tropical things this past weekend so I felt inspired to draw something up that alley :3....

Day #96 Olivia’s Dream

Not sure what to make of today’s drawing xD I drew this sketch in the middle of the night yesterday and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. I had been watching a few scary movies the previous day (which my explain the elongated, sharp fingers.) She...

Day #95 The Moon

Made this weird drawing of the moon last night. It looks more like the planet Earth which was not really my intention :s. It looked like a moon until I decided to color it xD hehehe! So anyway, I spent about 30 minutes working on this. It’s a quick one if you...

Day #88 Funky Monkey

I didn’t have a whole of time to make a drawing for today so I decided to draw this crazy little monkey! I have no idea how I got the idea to draw a monkey but it counts as a daily drawing and that’s all that matters to me xD! I will color this monkey...
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