Day #162 Comic strip progress

A little post consisting of some art for my comic. It’s been really hot over here lately and it’s hard to focus on just one thing :S. Anyway, this is what I’ve been working on this weekend. It’s not very detailed right now but this is how the...

Day #155 Beach Tower

A quick sketch I made earlier today. I literally fell asleep in the clothes I was wearing last night (which I might add, NEVER happens!)xD I caught the 11:30pm showing of The Amazing Spider Man last night with my sister and our friends and didn’t get home till...

Day #147 Carrot Soup Illustration

Look at what I drew today! Yup, you guessed it. More food xD! I’m in a food mood this week, and it’s definitely showing (or at least I think so!) I tried to illustrate something a little moreย elegant in today’s art post, so soup came to mind. I like...
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