Day #183 Wishing for Cold Weather

So it’s September and the heat is still at record breaking levels. I can’t wait for the day when the weather here in California cools down some. It’s been like 100 degrees plus everyday since June! This heat is really starting to make me feel cranky!...

Day #182 Constantly Thinking of Sleep

These days, it’s like the only thing I seem to be thinking about is getting sleep xD! It’s so funny because when I was a kid, I was a complete insomniac. I hardly ever wanted to get any sleep, let alone think about it all day. It’s yet another sign...

Day #176 Some time to myself (and Korean BBQ)

So I decided to take a little time off for myself today and just unwind. Last night was somewhat difficult for me and I ended up pulling an all nighter due to the commission load I faced yesterday. I’m happy to say that I’m gonna have the night to myself...
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