Day #146 Asparagus Illustration

I felt like drawing some type of fruit or vegetable today since it’s been a while since I’ve posted any food related daily drawings. In fact, I think I want to focus on some food items for the next few days actually xD. Not only are they easy to draw, but...

Day #142 More comic art

So I’ve been very busy this whole week, so I will be posting comic art throughout the week. Funny how I’ve been too busy to really work with the blog, but I’ve wanted to update my webcomic for a while. The way I see it on I 365 Art, art is art, no...

Day #137 Girl at the Ocean (complete)

I’m kind of proud of myself for getting this done today :3. I spent a good hour and a half coloring this in and making changes to it. I wanted to make this drawing look somewhat dramatic and take place in the night time. Adding the tear to her eye and her blue...

Day #128 Giant Bell at the Top

Man, it’s hot over here! It’s gotta be at least 100 degrees or something. I feel miserable right now because of this heat xD! I like warm weather, but there comes a time where it just because overbearing! I went shopping for small bells today for a future...
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