Day #126 Black Swan Interpretation

This is just a random sketch of my interpretation of the Black Swan. This is obviously a very quick sketch (I also messed up on the left arm some) but I do want to improve this sometime and give it some life by correcting these mistakes and adding some color to it :3....

Day #122 Scepter

My sketch of a scepter. I doodled this early today, basically a while after I woke up. My boyfriend called me in the morning since he was leaving for Korea this week. He left around 10:30 today for a 14-16 hour flight. He’ll be back by next Monday. I’ve...

Day #116 Comic Art 2

And here is the colored version of yesterday’s series of web comic panels. As you can see, there are speech bubbles without words in them! I did this because I wanted to give those of you who don’t read my comic a reason to want to check out the web comic...

Day #114 Comic Art 1

          As promised, I said I would post some more art from my comic DeadFingers. Art is art, right? xD? This is actually from a page that hasn’t gone online yet. It’s simply the sketched progress of it :3. I thought i’d...
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