by ducky75 | Jun 12, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
I’m kind of proud of myself for getting this done today :3. I spent a good hour and a half coloring this in and making changes to it. I wanted to make this drawing look somewhat dramatic and take place in the night time. Adding the tear to her eye and her blue...
by ducky75 | May 5, 2012 | Food, Uncategorized
So I saw The Avengers last night and it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I’m normally not really in to super hero type movies because they are usually way too serious for me, but this was a good movie! I didn’t return home until close to 2 am...
by ducky75 | Apr 16, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Woooohooo! I feel like i’m on a role first day of the week! I’m feeling a whole lot better not that I’ve gotten my creativity bug back again :3. I feel like I have a good start this week and I hope that it will be better than the last! So today, I...
by ducky75 | Apr 14, 2012 | Food, Nature and animals, Uncategorized
I drew a speckled mushroom a few months ago for fun and I didn’t get around to coloring it until today xD. I’m going through a somewhat stressful time in my life at the moment so I didn’t really put forth any effort to make something today. I...
by ducky75 | Apr 12, 2012 | Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
This is the exact same drawing from yesterday’s post. I found some time to color it yesterday thankfully, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out :3. The coloring itself only took about an hour at the most. The scales were the hardest part and I spent...