by ducky75 | Aug 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
So I’m alive! Just extremely busy this month so far. I haven’t updated since the 25th of last month, kind of ashamed… Here is a not so new sketch I have made. His name is Milek and he is an original character from my graphic novel DeadFingers. I...
by ducky75 | Jun 27, 2013 | Backgrounds and sceneries, Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
As you guys might have seen already, this is the colored version of the previous drawing I posted up a couple days ago. I added color as well as some mountains off in the distance in this version, I thought the earlier sketch was a little bland. And of course I...
by ducky75 | May 10, 2013 | Character Designs, Purely Fantasy, Uncategorized
Today, I have yet another character drawing I made last week. I didn’t really want to post them all at once so instead, I will be posting one everyday for a while. There’s going to be a lot of DeadFingers art this month since I am currently in the process...
by ducky75 | Apr 26, 2013 | Backgrounds and sceneries, Character Designs, Uncategorized, Video Games
As I posted in the last post, our Kickstarter page is still accepting funds for the production of the game, so don’t be afraid to show some support by donating $1 or more to see this game happen. The good folks over at Indie Game HQ decided to write an article...
by ducky75 | Feb 4, 2013 | Character Designs, Nature and animals, Purely Fantasy
So, it’s February! Again! I just realized that my blog is over a year old :3. *Does dance* I absolutely enjoy making Valentine’s Day themed art during February and I hope to be able to get a chance to do that this year as I did last year :3. Anyway, I...