Day #112 Pearl Necklaces

Yet another random drawing for the blog. This drawing was also based on some objects that really exist in my house. I have a ton of costume jewelry laying around since I cosplay in my free time. I decided to bunch them all together and drape them over a chair in my...

Day #111 Drawing of a drawing

Today’s drawing is literally about drawing an object over and over again. The hand is drawing the hand drawing the hand and so on xD. I got the idea to make this from a story I read a while ago. Except the boy in the story was playing a game of a boy playing a...

Day #109 Random Mascot

  Today’s post is about a fun little mascot that I helped to make for my boyfriend’s project not too long ago (note* this is not for a real event xD). Hoping it will come in handy some day and that we’ll actually use it for something in the...

Day #107 Cottage in the Forest

I have very little say today as I am in a rush. I am extremely pressed for time today so I will make the blog post somewhat short :3. This is my latest quick sketch. I made it in a matter of 10 minutes. If I have some time later tonight, I will most likely color it in...
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