Day #166 Nightmare Mountain

Hey all! Sorry for my prolonged absence. I injured my hand pretty badly, I accidentally got it caught in the door and slammed on (awesome, right? x.x) It was a pretty horrendous sight. I couldn’t look at my fingers for a couple of days and I just hid them...

Day #165 Head Hunter Sketch

I started working on this sketch yesterday, right after I posted the one about Jake. I’m not in the best of moods today because i’m going through a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I’m at a point where I feel like some of the people closest to me have...

Day #162 Comic strip progress

A little post consisting of some art for my comic. It’s been really hot over here lately and it’s hard to focus on just one thing :S. Anyway, this is what I’ve been working on this weekend. It’s not very detailed right now but this is how the...

Day #150 Comic Progress once more

Since I am going away for the weekend, I thought it would be a good idea to post the progress on my latest web comic page for DeadFingers. I just didn’t have enough time to finish this up yesterday. I will most likely have it ready by Tuesday or Wednesday since...
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