Day #104 Mixed Fruit (finished)

So I saw The Avengers last night and it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I’m normally not really in to super hero type movies because they are usually way too serious for me, but this was a good movie! I didn’t return home until close to 2 am...

Day # 92 Papaya Illustration Clipart

Today is going to be an extremely busy day for me. I have to finish up my homework by tomorrow night. So instead of drawing something that I needed to spend a lot of time on, I just decided to draw these papaya slices. Just trying to get in my daily drawing,...

Day #87 Green Apple

Compared to yesterday’s drawing, today’s art work is a little more simple this time around. I am pretty tired from yesterday’s drawing so I decided to go with this :p. It’s just a plain old green apple. Since Saturday, I have been craving green...

Day #46 Fruit Goblet and Champagne

Posting this art drawing a little bit later than I had intended on posting it. I overslept today. x.x I set my alarm for 10:30 and I kept dozing off thereafter. I usually just turn off my alarm, give myself about 5 minutes to fully awaken and that’s that. Today,...
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