Day #160 Sewing Machine Sketch

As you may guys may know, I like to sew costumes in my spare time. Today, I just made a simple sketch of my sewing machine and the desk it sits on top of. I haven’t really touched the machine since last month so it’s just been sitting there a while. I...

Day #159 Insect Wing

Today, I decided to make a drawing of an insect wing. I kind of didn’t have time to update yesterday since I went to a friend’s birthday party. But here is the latest drawing I have been working on. I while back, I drew some angel and fairy wings, so I...

Day #158 It’s so hot over here!

Yeah, so it’s extremely hot here in SoCal. It has been getting so hot in fact, that I haven’t been able to concentrate properly on art/work. Today, I am posting the progress for the comic strip I will be adding to my webcomic tonight. I actually started...

Day #157 The Frozen Flame

This is not an original concept that I made. It actually came from a video game from early 2000 known as Chrono Cross. They had this crystal-like object all throughout the game known as the frozen flame. What better way to test out the new ArtRage program I got with...

Day #156 Purple Grass

So my tablet conked out last night surprisingly! I mean, I kind of knew it was going to conk out sooner or later but definitely not this soon xD. Anyway, I got a brand new tablet this afternoon to work with and I am still trying to get the hang of it. It is a Wacom...
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