headhunterGlad you guys liked my cosplay from yesterday’s post. I really put a lot in to making that costume and it makes me happy to know that people appreciate my craftsmanship :3. I’m gonna look around for some more cosplay pics of me and i’ll upload them to the blog later.

Remember the headhunter character I sketched a while back? Here she is again, except she’s in color today. I dug this up from the July posts and decided to finish it up today. It has no background for right now, as I can’t really think of what to put. :s I did make sure that I included bright and vibrant colors as well as bold greens for the leaves. I was debating on what color I should make her head dress. It was red in the beginning and then I turned it blue in the end. I didn’t want it to look too much like hair either (her hair is under the headdress xD!)

I’m quite pleased with this! Thanks to everyone who replied to my post yesterday ^^. Your replies really made my day. :3

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