Day #271 Webcomic art and Cosplay Season

Sorry I haven’t updated in like a week! I have a ton of art work I made within the week but I just haven’t had time to post them up. I’ve been having a few stomach ups and downs for the past couple weeks which has held me back a little but other than...

Day #267 Transformation

So I know I haven’t been updating regularly like I used to, but that hasn’t stopped my creativity at all! I probably just wasn’t near a computer to upload for the day x.x. Anyway, I have been focusing a lot on my web comic these days, it’s been...

Day #228 The Red Comb

I have been MIA for about a week, with good reason of course. On a brighter note, we finally got an apartment! It’s perfect! It’s completely wheelchair accessible and it’s in a really nice location :3. I’ve got the willies sort of though. This...
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