Day #228 The Red Comb

I have been MIA for about a week, with good reason of course. On a brighter note, we finally got an apartment! It’s perfect! It’s completely wheelchair accessible and it’s in a really nice location :3. I’ve got the willies sort of though. This...

Day #184 Random Drawings of Root Vegetables

So today, I decided to place my art inspiration/focus on root vegetables…Ah root veggies…I’m not sure what’s so special about root vegetables but I can definitely say for sure that they have interesting appearances. So to start, I’ve...

Day #181 Make up and everyday life

I just realized like a day ago that I’ve never been a real big make up wearer. I think in a sense, I was kinda of turned off from make up at a very young age. When I was about 6 or so, I remember playing with my mom’s make up stuff one day. I thought it...
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